About Shoesme
In the 1990s, the founder of the Dutch Shoesme noticed a problem with children's shoes. All existing children's brands took the width measurements into account, but not the development phase of the feet. When children start to pull themselves up from the table and take their first shaky steps, their feet are still fragile. Existing children's shoes had stiff soles designed for grown up kids and were not tailored for the young ones. Moreover, the shoes had a boring design with little color, which definitely did not suit cheerful and energetic kids.
This is how the world of Shoesme was born. With its own lasts and soles and high-quality materials, the brand was the first to introduce a BABY-PROOF® collection. These shoes are 100% tailored to baby feet. Baby feet consist mainly of cartilage and are very soft and flexible. This makes it easy to influence the formation and growth of the feet. Shoesme shoes protect and support the feet, without hindering freedom of movement or development. This makes them the perfect practice shoes for those first shaky steps.
After the BABY-PROOF® collection, Shoesme introduced the BabyFlex® and Flex® concept for kids who have already mastered walking. Because even if you can walk independently or even go to school, if you have experienced the comfort of Shoesme you will want to continue to do so. Take a quick look at the collection. Shoesme makes an appealing collection for every age, walking phase and season.